The reference to Lucene complicates the equation a little bit. Let's solve it (or at least get a baseline) without it first.
Assuming the following datamodel (or something approaching.
UserId PK
UserId FK to tblUsers.UserId
FriendId tblUsers.Userid = Id of one of the friends
BuddyRating float 0.0 to 1.0 (or whatever normalized scale) indicating
the level of friendship/similarity/whatever
ItemId PK
UserId FK to tblUsers.UserId
ItemId FK to
ItemRating float 0.0 to 1.0 (or whatever normalized scale) indicating
the "value" assigned to item by user.
A naive query (but a good basis for an optimized one) could be:
SELECT [TOP 25] I.ItemId, ItemName, Description, SUM(ItemRating * BuddyRating)
FROM tblItems I
LEFT JOIN tblUserToItems UI ON I.ItemId = UI.ItemId
LEFT JOIN tblBuddies B ON UI.UserId = B.FriendId
WHERE B.UserId = 'IdOfCurrentUser'
AND SomeSearchCriteria -- Say ItemName = 'MP3 Player'
GROUP BY I.ItemId, ItemName, Description
ORDER BY SUM(ItemRating * BuddyRating) DESC
The idea is that a given item is given more weight if it is recommended/used by a friend. The extra weigh is the more important if the friend is a a close friend [BuddyRating] and/or if the friend recommend this item more strongly [ItemRating]
Optimizing such a query depends on the overal number of item, the average/max numbers of buddies a given user has, the average/max number of items a user may have in his/her list.
Is this type of ideas/info you are seeking or am I missing the question?