Both the following two statements produce an error in Postgres:
SELECT substring(start_time,1,8) AS date, count(*) as total from cdrs group by date;
SELECT substring(start_time,1,8) AS date, count(*) as total from cdrs group by substring(start_time,1,8);
The error is:
column "cdrs.start_time" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
My reading of postgres docs is that both SELECT and GROUP BY can use an expression postgres 8.3 SELECT
The start_time field is a string and has a date/time in form ccyymmddHHMMSS. In mySQL they both produce desired and expected results:
| date | total |
| 20091028 | 9 |
| 20091029 | 110 |
| 20091120 | 14 |
| 20091121 | 4 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I need to stick with Postgres (heroku). Any suggestions?
p.s. there is lots of other discussion around that talks about missing items in GROUP BY and why mySQL accepts this, why others don't ... strict adherence to SQL spec etc etc, but I think this is sufficiently different to 1062158/converting-mysql-select-to-postgresql and 1769361/postgresql-group-by-different-from-mysql to warrant a separate question.