We have some methods that output a lot of coloured text to the Console.
It's actually a menu that is built by looping through a collection of data.
Because we are writing item by item (and one line contains many items in different colours), this process is rather slow on low-end and mid-end machines. On those machines you can see each line being written one by one and it's rather frustrating for the end user.
This menu has to be displayed many times so I'm wondering if I can't just "cache" this output somehow. If there was no coloured text I'd simply store the output in a string and write it in one go, but I don't want to lose colour information.
Any suggestions?
Update: Just to give an idea of how intensive the output is: Update 2: Updated the sloppy code, but still want to buffer the output somehow. MoveBufferArea proves to be a partial solution (it creates unwanted scrollbars)
WriteLine("Available tests:\n", ConsoleColor.White);
var methodNames = methods.Select(m => ((TestAttribute)m.GetCustomAttributes(false)[0]).Name).ToArray();
int vertical = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= methods.Length; i++)
if (i > methods.Length / 2)
Console.SetCursorPosition(40, 4 + vertical++);
Write(i, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
WriteLine(") {0:00}", methodNames[i - 1]);
Write(items.Count + 1, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Write(") Set address | (");
Write(items.Count + 2, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Write(") View Log | (");
Write(items.Count + 3, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Write(") Open Log directory \n(");
Write(items.Count + 4, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Write(") Open configuration | (");
Write(items.Count + 5, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Write(") View current configuration | (");
Write(items.Count + 6, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
WriteLine(") Quit");
Write("\nYour selection: ");
int command = 0;
while (!ConsoleReader<int>.TryReadValueInRange(1, items.Count + 6,out command));
return command;
The Write methods are simply helper methods that encapsulate some behaviour of the System.Console class so we wouldn't have to keep setting the colour.