



I need to detect when a new drive is plugged into a Windows system through a USB port, firewire port, etc. I am aware of the WM_DEVICECHANGE message, but this requires a window to be open in order to use it. Is there a way to create a background process in C# that detects when new drives are plugged in?

Background info: I am wanting to write this app to remove a worm from company removable drives. Regular antivirus software is failing to removing it. We have a script that will remove the worm, but it must be run manually, which is not good enough to contain the outbreak.

+2  A: 

A windows service should do the trick

Try reworking the CodeProject DriveDetector as a service and you should have what you need

Chris Ballance
Did it and it worked. For a service, I just had to make sure I created another thread with an infinite loop that kept calling Application.DoEvents(). If you don't do that, the DriveDetector will hang and fail to receive WM_DEVICECHANGE messages.Also, I had to make sure that desktop interaction is enabled for the service, since DriveDetector uses a hidden form to do its work.
Glad this helped!
Chris Ballance
Looking back at this project, I realize it's not good practice to allow desktop interaction with a service. Nowadays I recommend creating a regular executable and dropping it in the startup folder.

This blogpost show how to handle system events, maybe you can use it for the event that you want to handle

Didn't see any system events related to a device change, unfortunately.

You will need to subscribe to RegisterDeviceNotification, and bind it to a service status handle. See also

I'm not quite sure how to implement this, has been a long time ago.

Jan Jongboom

You may create a hidden window or run a service as it should work with a window handle or a service status handle.
