I am doing problem 112 on Project Euler and came up with the following to test the example case (I'll change the number in answer
to 0.99 to get the real answer):
isIncre x | x == 99 = False
| otherwise = isIncre' x
isIncre' x = ???
isDecre x = isIncre (read $ reverse $ show x :: Int)
isBouncy x = (isIncre x == False) && (isDecre x == False)
bouncers x = length [n|n<-[1..x],isBouncy n]
nonBouncers x = length [n|n<-[1..x],(isBouncy n) == False]
answer = head [x|x<-[1..],((bouncers x) / (nonBouncers x)) == 0.5]
But what I don't know how to do is define a function isIncre'
which tests to see if the digits in a number are greater than or equal to the one on their left. I know it needs to be done recursively but how?
On a side note, I know I can only use /
on two floating point numbers but how can I make the output of bouncers
to be floating point number instead of an integer?
Thanks for the help, but it didn't like the =
when I changed isIncre
isIncre x | x <= 99 = False
| otherwise = isIncre' (mshow x)
isIncre' (x:y:xs) = (x <= y) && (isIncre' (y:xs))
isIncre' _ = True