It depends. In a debug build, I want to see the original stack trace with as little effort as possible. In that case, "throw;" fits the bill. In a release build, however, (a) I want to log the error with the original stack trace included, and once that's done, (b) refashion the error handling to make more sense to the user. Here "Throw Exception" makes sense. It's true that rethrowing the error discards the original stack trace, but a non-developer gets nothing out of seeing stack trace information so it's okay to rethrow the error.
void TrySuspectMethod()
//Don't log error, let developer see
//original stack trace easily
catch (Exception ex)
//Log error for developers and then
//throw a error with a user-oriented message
throw new Exception(String.Format
("Dear user, sorry but: {0}", ex.Message));
The way the question is worded, pitting "Throw:" vs. "Throw ex;" makes it a bit of a red-herring. The real choice is between "Throw;" and "Throw Exception," where "Throw ex;" is an unlikely special case of "Throw Exception."