I've been developing web apps for over a decade now, all the way from CGI to ASP.Net and Struts+Spring+Hibernate. The prevalent architectural style seems to be server-assisted MVC, e.g. Struts, Ruby on Rails, etc. Recent developments lead me to ask if these are on the decline.
All of this leads me to believe that we're starting to come full-circle after a 15-year distraction kicked-off by the invention of the web. Over this period of time, we've been so fascinated by all the web has to offer that we didn't notice that the usability (and the developer experience) of web apps pretty much sucked in comparison to desktop apps. It seems we're now saying "Screw this! We love the web's benefits but we also want better usability, offline capabilities, and better integration with the desktop!".
All of the above mentioned developments seem to be moving us in this direction of putting the presentation logic back where it used to be: the client. Don't get me wrong, I don't think server-assisted MVC frameworks are going away anytime soon, but I do think they are on the decline and RIAs and RDAs are on the rise.
So, what do you think? Are server-assisted MVC frameworks near their peak?