



In vim, when I hit :wq it is almost always an accident that occurred when attempting to input :w. I would like to disable :wq.

The closest I found is cmap, but it has some odd behavior. If I do something like

:cmap wq w

I can no longer even input :wq; it just remaps the keystroke sequence wq to w in command mode. Now I cannot, for example, input a search/replace command on a string containing wq.

I would just like to alias the exact command :wq to :w or a no-op. Is there a way to do this?

EDIT: clarified why :cmap is not an option for me

+1  A: 

A better solution can be:

:cabbrev wq w

But I'm not sure why cmap doesn't work as excepted. Actually I had mapped one my function keys to save files:

:map <F2> :w<CR>
:nmap <F2> <ESC>:w<CR>i

UPDATE: typo corrected in the first command.

UPDATE2: possible workaround:

:cabbrev wq<CR> w


Zsolt Botykai
Can you please explain :cabbrew ?
Vijay Dev
I think it should be `:cabbrev`. `:cabbrev wq w` will change wq to w after you press space or enter, so it will make `:wq` do `:w`. See `:help :cabbrev` and `:help :ab` for more information.
Sorry, I think I was not clear enough in my question.If you do :cmap and it also seems :cabbrew, it means the "wq" keystroke sequence in command mode is mapped to something other than "wq". So then you cannot, for example, do a search/replace on a string containing "wq". All I would like to do is make it so if I input the exact command :wq, it is aliased to "w" or no-op.
Thanks AI, typo corrected.I'm diving into the problem. as it's not the correct solution.
Zsolt Botykai
Just stopping by to say thanks - I am trying to weene myself off tabs, so doing `cabbrev tabnew help!<CR>` made vim give an error message every time I try to make a tab.

It looks like the best option is to just get used to :cmap behavior. In the rare event I want to input the keyboard seqeunce wq I can just hit wq, wait a second, then hit q again. I did find this possible solution but it is too complex for my tastes.