



I have to lock user accounts in Active Directory programmatically in C#.

Unfortunately it doesn't work via the userAccountControl attribute. Every time I set userAccountControl to 528 (=normal account w/ lockout flag), Active Directory won't accept the value and resets it without further notice to 512 (=normal account).

Now I tried to lock the account by providing incorrect credentials (see below), but this doesn't work either.

int retries = 0;
while (!adsUser.IsAccountLocked && retries < MAX_LOCK_RETRIES)

        new DirectoryEntry(userPath, logonName, incorrectPassword).RefreshCache();
    catch (Exception)
    { /* ... */ }

Any ideas?

+2  A: 

Make sure the account you're using to disable the account has sufficient privileges to disable accounts. See this example from Microsoft.

Nick DeVore
+1  A: 

Borrowed from

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating if the user account is locked out
/// </summary>
public bool IsLocked
    get { return Convert.ToBoolean(dEntry.InvokeGet("IsAccountLocked")); }
    set { dEntry.InvokeSet("IsAccountLocked", value); }
FYI, setting the value to true here does not work. It will work fine if you are setting it to false to unlock the account but you cannot lock it using InvokeSet.Also using 3.5 Framework UserPrinciple object the method to determine if the account is locked is read only, along with the lockoutDate.

Guys, maybe you can help me out here...

I've seached the net all around, and maybe I'm too newbie to digest all I see...

That said, I'd need to find a way to check if an Active Directory UserAccount has his account locked or not.

I've tried userAccountControl property in a Windows 2000 AD but that property does not change a byte when I force an account to get locked (by trying to log on to a workstation providing the wrong password for that specific user) And I can tell by using ADExplorer.exe utility made by semi-god -> Mr. Russinovich (

I've seen that in the 3.5 Framework they use the method .InvokeGet("userLockedOut"); but I'm trying to do this in a Enterprise Application that was written in .Net Framework 1.1 and there's no chance of using newer ones (just if you thought of suggesting so).


Thanks A lot for your reply.


Monoco Barrabia.

This is a different question. Why didn't you create a new post?
Repo Man