Some of the suggestions were pretty good, but I decided to implement the collection myself (it sounded fun). I started with the .NET implementation of SortedDictionary, and heavily modified it to do what I needed it to do
Just so other people can benefit from my work, here is the class:
internal delegate void TreeWalkAction<Key, Value>(BinaryTreeSearch<Key, Value>.Node node);
internal delegate bool TreeWalkTerminationPredicate<Key, Value>(BinaryTreeSearch<Key, Value>.Node node);
internal class BinaryTreeSearch<Key, Value>
// Fields
private IComparer<Key> comparer;
private int count;
private Node root;
private int version;
// Methods
public BinaryTreeSearch(IComparer<Key> comparer)
if (comparer == null)
this.comparer = Comparer<Key>.Default;
this.comparer = comparer;
private Node First
if (root == null) return null;
Node n = root;
while (n.Left != null)
n = n.Left;
return n;
public Key Min
Node first = First;
return first == null ? default(Key) : first.Key;
public Key Max
if (root == null) return default(Key);
Node n = root;
while (n.Right != null)
n = n.Right;
return n.Key;
public List<Value> this[Key key]
Node n = FindNode(key);
return n == null ? new List<Value>() : n.Values;
public List<Value> GetRange(Key start, Key end)
Node node = FindNextNode(start);
List<Value> ret = new List<Value>();
aNode => ret.AddRange(aNode.Values),
aNode => comparer.Compare(end, aNode.Key) < 0);
return ret;
public void Add(Key key, Value value)
if (this.root == null)
this.root = new Node(null, key, value, false);
this.count = 1;
Node root = this.root;
Node node = null;
Node grandParent = null;
Node greatGrandParent = null;
int num = 0;
while (root != null)
num = this.comparer.Compare(key, root.Key);
if (num == 0)
if (Is4Node(root))
if (IsRed(node))
this.InsertionBalance(root, ref node, grandParent, greatGrandParent);
greatGrandParent = grandParent;
grandParent = node;
node = root;
root = (num < 0) ? root.Left : root.Right;
Node current = new Node(node, key, value);
if (num > 0)
node.Right = current;
node.Left = current;
if (node.IsRed)
this.InsertionBalance(current, ref node, grandParent, greatGrandParent);
this.root.IsRed = false;
public void Clear()
this.root = null;
this.count = 0;
public bool Contains(Key key)
return (this.FindNode(key) != null);
internal Node FindNode(Key item)
int num;
for (Node node = this.root; node != null; node = (num < 0) ? node.Left : node.Right)
num = this.comparer.Compare(item, node.Key);
if (num == 0)
return node;
return null;
internal Node FindNextNode(Key key)
int num;
Node node = root;
while (true)
num = comparer.Compare(key, node.Key);
if (num == 0)
return node;
else if (num < 0)
if (node.Left == null) return node;
node = node.Left;
node = node.Right;
private static Node GetSibling(Node node, Node parent)
if (parent.Left == node)
return parent.Right;
return parent.Left;
internal void InOrderTreeWalk(Node start, TreeWalkAction<Key, Value> action, TreeWalkTerminationPredicate<Key, Value> terminationPredicate)
Node node = start;
while (node != null && !terminationPredicate(node))
node = node.Next;
private void InsertionBalance(Node current, ref Node parent, Node grandParent, Node greatGrandParent)
Node node;
bool flag = grandParent.Right == parent;
bool flag2 = parent.Right == current;
if (flag == flag2)
node = flag2 ? RotateLeft(grandParent) : RotateRight(grandParent);
node = flag2 ? RotateLeftRight(grandParent) : RotateRightLeft(grandParent);
parent = greatGrandParent;
grandParent.IsRed = true;
node.IsRed = false;
this.ReplaceChildOfNodeOrRoot(greatGrandParent, grandParent, node);
private static bool Is2Node(Node node)
return ((IsBlack(node) && IsNullOrBlack(node.Left)) && IsNullOrBlack(node.Right));
private static bool Is4Node(Node node)
return (IsRed(node.Left) && IsRed(node.Right));
private static bool IsBlack(Node node)
return ((node != null) && !node.IsRed);
private static bool IsNullOrBlack(Node node)
if (node != null)
return !node.IsRed;
return true;
private static bool IsRed(Node node)
return ((node != null) && node.IsRed);
private static void Merge2Nodes(Node parent, Node child1, Node child2)
parent.IsRed = false;
child1.IsRed = true;
child2.IsRed = true;
public bool Remove(Key key, Value value)
if (this.root == null)
return false;
Node root = this.root;
Node parent = null;
Node node3 = null;
Node match = null;
Node parentOfMatch = null;
bool flag = false;
while (root != null)
if (Is2Node(root))
if (parent == null)
root.IsRed = true;
Node sibling = GetSibling(root, parent);
if (sibling.IsRed)
if (parent.Right == sibling)
parent.IsRed = true;
sibling.IsRed = false;
this.ReplaceChildOfNodeOrRoot(node3, parent, sibling);
node3 = sibling;
if (parent == match)
parentOfMatch = sibling;
sibling = (parent.Left == root) ? parent.Right : parent.Left;
if (Is2Node(sibling))
Merge2Nodes(parent, root, sibling);
TreeRotation rotation = RotationNeeded(parent, root, sibling);
Node newChild = null;
switch (rotation)
case TreeRotation.LeftRotation:
sibling.Right.IsRed = false;
newChild = RotateLeft(parent);
case TreeRotation.RightRotation:
sibling.Left.IsRed = false;
newChild = RotateRight(parent);
case TreeRotation.RightLeftRotation:
newChild = RotateRightLeft(parent);
case TreeRotation.LeftRightRotation:
newChild = RotateLeftRight(parent);
newChild.IsRed = parent.IsRed;
parent.IsRed = false;
root.IsRed = true;
this.ReplaceChildOfNodeOrRoot(node3, parent, newChild);
if (parent == match)
parentOfMatch = newChild;
node3 = newChild;
int num = flag ? -1 : this.comparer.Compare(key, root.Key);
if (num == 0)
flag = true;
match = root;
parentOfMatch = parent;
node3 = parent;
parent = root;
if (num < 0)
root = root.Left;
root = root.Right;
if (match != null)
if (match.Values.Remove(value))
if (match.Values.Count == 0)
this.ReplaceNode(match, parentOfMatch, parent, node3);
if (this.root != null)
this.root.IsRed = false;
return flag;
private void ReplaceChildOfNodeOrRoot(Node parent, Node child, Node newChild)
if (parent != null)
if (parent.Left == child)
parent.Left = newChild;
parent.Right = newChild;
if (newChild != null) newChild.Parent = parent;
this.root = newChild;
private void ReplaceNode(Node match, Node parentOfMatch, Node succesor, Node parentOfSuccesor)
if (succesor == match)
succesor = match.Left;
if (succesor.Right != null)
succesor.Right.IsRed = false;
if (parentOfSuccesor != match)
parentOfSuccesor.Left = succesor.Right; if (succesor.Right != null) succesor.Right.Parent = parentOfSuccesor;
succesor.Right = match.Right; if (match.Right != null) match.Right.Parent = succesor;
succesor.Left = match.Left; if (match.Left != null) match.Left.Parent = succesor;
if (succesor != null)
succesor.IsRed = match.IsRed;
this.ReplaceChildOfNodeOrRoot(parentOfMatch, match, succesor);
private static Node RotateLeft(Node node)
Node right = node.Right;
node.Right = right.Left; if (right.Left != null) right.Left.Parent = node;
right.Left = node; if (node != null) node.Parent = right;
return right;
private static Node RotateLeftRight(Node node)
Node left = node.Left;
Node right = left.Right;
node.Left = right.Right; if (right.Right != null) right.Right.Parent = node;
right.Right = node; if (node != null) node.Parent = right;
left.Right = right.Left; if (right.Left != null) right.Left.Parent = left;
right.Left = left; if (left != null) left.Parent = right;
return right;
private static Node RotateRight(Node node)
Node left = node.Left;
node.Left = left.Right; if (left.Right != null) left.Right.Parent = node;
left.Right = node; if (node != null) node.Parent = left;
return left;
private static Node RotateRightLeft(Node node)
Node right = node.Right;
Node left = right.Left;
node.Right = left.Left; if (left.Left != null) left.Left.Parent = node;
left.Left = node; if (node != null) node.Parent = left;
right.Left = left.Right; if (left.Right != null) left.Right.Parent = right;
left.Right = right; if (right != null) right.Parent = left;
return left;
private static TreeRotation RotationNeeded(Node parent, Node current, Node sibling)
if (IsRed(sibling.Left))
if (parent.Left == current)
return TreeRotation.RightLeftRotation;
return TreeRotation.RightRotation;
if (parent.Left == current)
return TreeRotation.LeftRotation;
return TreeRotation.LeftRightRotation;
private static void Split4Node(Node node)
node.IsRed = true;
node.Left.IsRed = false;
node.Right.IsRed = false;
// Properties
public IComparer<Key> Comparer
return this.comparer;
public int Count
return this.count;
internal class Node
// Fields
private bool isRed;
private Node left, right, parent;
private Key key;
private List<Value> values;
// Methods
public Node(Node parent, Key item, Value value) : this(parent, item, value, true)
public Node(Node parent, Key key, Value value, bool isRed)
this.key = key;
this.parent = parent;
this.values = new List<Value>(new Value[] { value });
this.isRed = isRed;
// Properties
public bool IsRed
return this.isRed;
this.isRed = value;
public Key Key
return this.key;
this.key = value;
public List<Value> Values { get { return values; } }
public Node Left
return this.left;
this.left = value;
public Node Right
return this.right;
this.right = value;
public Node Parent
return this.parent;
this.parent = value;
public Node Next
if (right == null)
if (parent == null)
return null; // this puppy must be lonely
else if (parent.Left == this) // this is a left child
return parent;
//this is a right child, we need to go up the tree
//until we find a left child. Then the parent will be the next
Node n = this;
n = n.parent;
if (n.parent == null)
return null; // this must have been a node along the right edge of the tree
} while (n.parent.right == n);
return n.parent;
else // there is a right child.
Node go = right;
while (go.left != null)
go = go.left;
return go;
public override string ToString()
return key.ToString() + " - [" + string.Join(", ", new List<string>(values.Select<Value, string>(o => o.ToString())).ToArray()) + "]";
internal enum TreeRotation
LeftRightRotation = 4,
LeftRotation = 1,
RightLeftRotation = 3,
RightRotation = 2
and a quick unit test (which doesn't actually cover all the code, so there might still be some bugs):
public class BTSTest
private class iC : IComparer<int>{public int Compare(int x, int y){return x.CompareTo(y);}}
public void Test()
BinaryTreeSearch<int, int> bts = new BinaryTreeSearch<int, int>(new iC());
bts.Add(5, 1);
bts.Add(5, 2);
bts.Add(6, 2);
bts.Add(2, 3);
bts.Add(8, 2);
bts.Add(10, 11);
bts.Add(9, 4);
bts.Add(3, 32);
bts.Add(12, 32);
bts.Add(8, 32);
bts.Add(9, 32);
Assert.AreEqual(11, bts.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(2, bts.Min);
Assert.AreEqual(12, bts.Max);
List<int> val = bts[5];
Assert.AreEqual(2, val.Count);
val = bts[6];
Assert.AreEqual(1, val.Count);
val = bts.GetRange(5, 8);
Assert.AreEqual(5, val.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(3, val.Count<int>(num => num == 2));
bts.Remove(8, 32);
bts.Remove(5, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(9, bts.Count);
val = bts.GetRange(5, 8);
Assert.AreEqual(3, val.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(2, val.Count<int>(num => num == 2));
bts.Remove(2, 3);
bts.Remove(12, 32);
Assert.AreEqual(3, bts.Min);
Assert.AreEqual(10, bts.Max);
bts.Remove(9, 4);
bts.Remove(5, 1);
bts.Remove(6, 2);