



Hi all,

I am developing a Windows Mobile application using WM6 SDK. The application is a Managed code (using C#) & I would like to know the steps to be taken in order to call native functions.

Thanks for the help, Abdel Olakara


You need to first declare the native APIs as static extern using DLLImport and then use them like normal methods. Example:

    [DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
    internal static extern IntPtr SetTimer(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr nIDEvent, int uElapse, IntPtr lpTimerFunc);
A good example - but would have been better if it was designed for Windows Mobile. Unlike the desktop most APIs will be found within a single dll called coredll.dll, so the above example will actually throw an exception on a Windows Mobile device stating user32.dll can not be found.
Christopher Fairbairn
+1  A:

That should do it.

Ed Swangren
Thanks, I didn't know about this site.. was able to get details of what I need.
Abdel Olakara