I've around 1GB of structured text data, (which is currently stored in database MySQL, mroe than 1million records) used by software. I've to ship this data along with the software.
I also need to protect this data. This data shouldn't be not accessible for users for other purposes. This software is just like an interface to data. like any database client.
Whats the best method to do so? Also kindly tell me pros and cons of these methods available so that I can decide myself next time.
I think my question is not clear. My software operates on this data. It provides query interface for this data. It shows data according to user according to his needs by querying the DBMS which has this data. My major concern here is not the size of the software (along with this data). I don't want user to redistribute this data. So, storing encrypted data in a zipped file is not a solution.
- So, I must use embedded DBMS like sqlite. But how to secure this? So, that user cannot distribute.