



hi all

How can I send session[table] to database in php ?

like that.

$data=@mysql_query("SELECT * from products where productid=".$pid,$con) or die(mysql_error());

I want to send $_SESSION[table]=$table; to database

Thank Advanced.


+1  A: 

you seems to use the $_SESSION has a cache, the $_SESSION variable is not intended to do that. It is for stocking user related variables and it should/could of kilobytes worth (even less).

If you are looking for some cache mechanism there memcached, APC, and many others.

also to be noted in my comment $_SESSION[table] will generate warning, you should add the quotes like $_SESSION['table'].

Also it's a good practice to develop with the maximum level of warning (i.e. error_reporting(E_ALL);), it would help you to find possible bugs/issues more easily.

To put back the $_SESSION['table'] in database your would have to somehow store it as an array and then loop thought that array and do subsequent INSERT queries.

Good luck


I'm not quite sure what the intentions are, but if you want to modify the way sessions work you'll need to define your own session functions and set them with session_set_save_handler().


You can modify and use this class, it keeps session in DB

class MySQLSession
  protected $resource = null;
  protected $db = 'base';
  protected $table = 'session';
  protected $id_col = 'sess_id';
  protected $data_col = 'sess_data';
  protected $time_col = 'sess_time';

  public function __construct($context, $parameters = null){
    session_set_save_handler(array($this, 'sessionOpen'),
                             array($this, 'sessionClose'),
                             array($this, 'sessionRead'),
                             array($this, 'sessionWrite'),
                             array($this, 'sessionDestroy'),
                             array($this, 'sessionGC'));


  public function sessionClose(){
    return true;

  public function sessionDestroy($id){
    $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id, $this->resource);
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->id_col.' = \''.$id.'\'';
    if (@mysql_query($sql, $this->resource)){
      return true;
    $error = 'MySQLSessionStorage cannot destroy session id "%s"';
    $error = sprintf($error, $id);
    throw new Exception($error);

  public function sessionGC($lifetime){
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->table.' '.
           'WHERE '.$this->time_col.' + INTERVAL '.$lifetime.' SECOND < NOW()';
    if (@mysql_query($sql, $this->resource)){
      return true;
    $error = 'MySQLSessionStorage cannot delete old sessions';
    throw new Exception($error);

  public function sessionOpen($path, $name){
    $this->resource = mysql_connect('host', 'user', 'pass', true);
    mysql_select_db($this->db, $this->resource);
    return true;

  public function sessionRead($id){
    $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id, $this->resource);

    $sql = 'SELECT '.$this->data_col.' ' .
           'FROM '.$this->table.' ' .
           'WHERE '.$this->id_col.' = \''.$id.'\'';
    $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->resource);
    if ($result != false && @mysql_num_rows($result) == 1){
      $data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
      return $data[0];
      $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->table.' ('.$this->id_col.', ' .
             $this->data_col.', '.$this->time_col.') VALUES (' .
             '\''.$id.'\', \'\', NOW())';

      if (@mysql_query($sql, $this->resource)){
        return '';
      $error = 'MySQLSessionStorage cannot create new record for id "%s"';
      $error = sprintf($error, $id);
      throw new Exception($error);

  public function sessionWrite($id, &$data){
    $id   = mysql_real_escape_string($id, $this->resource);
    $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data, $this->resource);
    $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->table.' ' .
           'SET '.$this->data_col.' = \''.$data.'\', ' .
           $this->time_col.' = NOW() ' .
           'WHERE '.$this->id_col.' = \''.$id.'\'';

    if (@mysql_query($sql, $this->resource)){
      return true;
    $error = 'MySQLSessionStorage cannot write session data for id "%s"';
    $error = sprintf($error, $id);
    throw new Exception($error);

  public function shutdown(){
Piotr M.