



Some of NUnit's Assert methods are overloaded to use ICollection but not ICollection<T> and thus you can't use them.

Is there anyway around this? Heck, am I doing something stupid?

I'm having to drop back to using Assert.AreEqual rather than specialised methods and its making my tests ugly.

Any advice?


Thanks for the responses. The That method of NUnit seems interesting so I'll look into it at a later date.

Mark correctly mentioned this, but NUnit Collection Asserts are excellent. I've recently used them on some new tests and found them excellent to work with.

+1  A: 

ICollection and ICollection<T> are different contracts - one does not inherit the other.

If you have a generic collection you can call ToList() on it and get a List<T>, which happens to implement the non-generic ICollection as well. Then use that List in the NUnit Assert method.

David B
Smashing. Linq saved the day (yet again). Cheers, didn't think of this.
Linq might not be saving the day, just giving you a rose tinted recollection that will lead to disappointment later.
Mark Dickinson
Well it gave me ToList(), I'm happy.
+2  A: 

There are a set of CollectionAsserts, or you could inherit your test from AssertHelper and use syntax like

Expect(actual, Is.EquivalentTo(expected));

A look at the documentation should give you the syntax for the constraints that apply to collections.

Here's a link (this is version 2.5.2)

N.B. Expect is just shorthand for Assert.That...

Mark Dickinson
+2  A: 

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but for generic collections instead of using:

Assert.Contains(member, list);

I use:


which I find almost as readable.

Rian Schmits