



Good Day,

I am creating a report in AX report writer. When I create the report, it pulls all the information fine. However, when I limit the report, by select only those records with a hrmcomptype = 'Band', the report still pulls the correct data, but the fields that I am pulling from the table that houses hrmcomptype, all disappear. I am pulling two fields, 'hrmcomptype' and 'hrmcomplevelid' from hrmppartyjobtablerelationship. This report pulls from several different tables. Here is what I think might be the issue. None of the other tables I am pulling directly relate to the hrmppartyjobtablerelationship. I am selecting a table named hrppartypositiontablerelationship, after I pull that table, I pull a table directly related named hrmpartyjobtable, which then directly relates to hrmpartyjobtablerelationship.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you! Lauren