Hi, I have a table and I would like to use a context variable to select from that table.
Table Key, data 'XX', 'BLAbla' 'yy', 'blaBla' 'zz', 'bLaBla' 'aa', 'lkdjfa' ..... .... ..
My selection is :
select * from Table where key is not in ('XX','zz');
My definition of the context variable is like
Variable := '('||'''xx'''||','||'''yy'''||')';
DBMS__SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('key_context', 'KeyValues', Variable );
Select sys_context('key_context','KeyValues') Result from dual;
Result ('XX','zz')
So I thouhgt this would work:
select * from Table where key is not in sys_context('key_context','KeyValues');
Any suggestions?