




I have an byte Array of an doc file loaded in memory.

I would like to set custom meta data properties of my Word document then save it back to disk. This will be done on a server so I can’t use VTSO to write an add in.

I need to do this in a 2003 word document. so i can't use open xml.

+2  A: 

Have you seen Open XML SDK 2.0? Or you can use System.IO.Packaging API directly.

Mike Chaliy
+1. Been there, done that. The Packaging API that Mike suggests will crack open the files for you. The SDK will give you access to the internal files in a strongly-typed way, so adding custom meta-data will be easier wity the SDK.
Jro can you give an example?
Chris Jones
Open XML is a great solusion but I need to do this to word 2003 documents.
Chris Jones
It is prabably better to start new qestion and rollback original question. As someone could have the same question.
Mike Chaliy