



I'm writing an application in C#, and I am creating multiple BackgroundWorker threads to grab information from webpages. Despite them being BackgroundWorkers, my GUI Form is becoming unresponsive.

When I am debugging, I pause when the program goes unresponsive, and I can see that I am in the Main Thread, and I am paused on the webpage fetching method. This method is only called from new threads, though, so I can’t figure out why I would be there in the Main Thread.

Does this make any sense? What can I do to make sure the web requests are only being handled in their respective threads?

EDIT: some code and explanation

I am processing a large list of addresses. Each thread will be processing one or more addresses. I can choose how many threads I want to create (I keep it modest :))

//in “Controller” class
public void process()
for (int i = 1; i <= addressList.Count && i<= numthreads; i++) 
                BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                bw.DoWork += doWork;

public void doWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    //create an object that has the web fetching method, call it WorkObject
    //WorkObject keeps a reference to Controller. 
    //When it is done getting information, it will send it to Controller to print
    //generate a smaller list of addresses to work on, using e.Argument (should be 'i' from the above 'for' loop)

When WorkObject is created, it uses “i” to know what thread number it is. It will use this to get a list of web addresses to get information from (from a larger list of addresses which is shared by the main Form, the Controller, and each of the WorkObjects – each thread will process a smaller list of addresses). As it iterates over the list, it will call the “getWebInfo” method.

//in “WorkObject” class
public static WebRequest request;

public void workingMethod()
    //iterate over the small list of addresses. For each one, 
     //process the info a bit...then

//note that this isn’t a simple “for” loop, it involves event handlers and threading 
//Timers to make sure one is done before going on to the next

public string getWebInfo (string address)
    request = WebRequest.Create(address);
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
                string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                return content;

You should be performing all the web-work in your BackgroundWorker's DoWork event, are you?

Some clipped code may help us to understand what's going on.

Ed Gonzalez
Alright, edited the post - added some code. Hope that's enough info

In a similar situation I found I had better control by creating my own threads (no BackgroundWorker and no ThreadPool) and throttling the number of active connections. Write the IP addresses to a Queue and then pick each one off, passing it to a helper class where you call its DoSomething method on a new thread. Throttle by incrementing a counter when you launch a thread and decrement it when the thread completes. You can use callback routines from your helper class to signal your UI thread to update the interface or indicate a thread is finished.

Use your UI to vary the throttle limit and watch the Task Manager to see the effect on memory and CPU usage. You can add a maxconnection setting in your app.config to get more simultaneous connections.

Originally, I was creating my own threads, but that was causing the UI to hang so I decided to try BackgroundWorkers. Still having the same problem. CPU usage and memory usage are generally pretty low - except for when I tell it to create a bunch of threads all at once, but it dies down once they get going.

I couldn't figure out why the background workers were causing hanging, but instead of using synchronous HTTP requests I switched to asynchronous using this guide:

Cleared up all the hanging. Thanks for the responses.
