You know when it's late in the night and your brain is fried? I'm having one of those nights right now, and my function so far is not working as it should, so please take a look at it: (I should note that I'm using the PHP 5.2.9, and the function / method DateTime:Diff() is not available until PHP 5.3.0.
function time_diff($ts1, $ts2) {
# Find The Bigger Number
if ($ts1 == $ts2) {
return '0 Seconds';
} else if ($ts1 > $ts2) {
$large = $ts1;
$small = $ts2;
} else {
$small = $ts1;
$large = $ts2;
# Get the Diffrence
$diff = $large - $small;
# Setup The Scope of Time
$s = 1; $ss = 0;
$m = $s * 60; $ms = 0;
$h = $m * 60; $hs = 0;
$d = $h * 24; $ds = 0;
$n = $d * 31; $ns = 0;
$y = $n * 365; $ys = 0;
# Find the Scope
while (($diff - $y) > 0) { $ys++; $diff -= $y; }
while (($diff - $n) > 0) { $ms++; $diff -= $n; }
while (($diff - $d) > 0) { $ds++; $diff -= $d; }
while (($diff - $h) > 0) { $hs++; $diff -= $h; }
while (($diff - $m) > 0) { $ms++; $diff -= $m; }
while (($diff - $s) > 0) { $ss++; $diff -= $s; }
# Print the Results
return "$ys Years, $ns Months, $ds Days, $hs Hours, $ms Minutes & $ss Seconds.";
// Test the Function:
ediff(strtotime('December 16, 1988'), time());
# Output Should be:
# 20 Years, 11 Months, 8 Days, X Hours, Y Minutes & Z Seconds.