




Hi there,

does anybody know how i can change external icon-paths into embedded resource icons?

Example: i want to change the icon of my ToolBoxItem. I have only the possibility to set the path to the icon. Setting the picture directly does not work:

new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof (MyItem9), "C:\\tmp\\item9.ico", "Item9"),

I want to change this path to the path of a embedded resource file:

new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof (MyItem9), "MyAssembly.Resources.myIcon.ico", "Item9"),

Is there any possibility to do this? Or is there even a possibility to set the icon directly?

Thanks, el


Unless you change the signature of the hard-coded parameter(2nd one) that excepts file path in

new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof (MyItem9), "C:\\tmp\\item9.ico", "Item9"),

you can not except the same result with this code.

ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof (MyItem9), "MyAssembly.Resources.myIcon.ico", "Item9"),

But you can do following, Create an overload of constructir of ToolboxItemWrapper like

public class ToolboxItemWrapper
    public ToolboxItemWrapper(Type t,Image img, string prop)
        /*Do setup as in*/


Later you could actually do ,

 new ToolboxItemWrapper(typeof (MyItem9), Properties.Resources.YourImage, "Item9"),
unfortunately the ToolboxItemWrapper is a micosoft constructed class. I knew that the second code would not work. This is wyh i asked this question. Do you know another solution for my problem?
Ahh, My bad, it's even sealed.

Whups, misread your post. You can't set the Icon directly, only from path

string res = "MyAssembly.Resources.myIcon.ico";
Stream s = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( res );
Icon icon = Icon.FromStream( s );
oh... i think thats my fault. My explanation is not very good. In the end i want the path to the resource icon. Otherwise i could set the icon directly. Thanks anyway.

I could not figure it out how to solve this so i made a "dirty" workaround: I saved the icons in the temp folder and referenced them in this place. This works but it is not a very clean solution.
