



Hi, I have used the following pattern for the regular expression for the phone number

pattern="[0-9 -+]+$";

The phone number may contain numbers, hyphen(-), space and plus(+). It works when i use numbers only. When numbers and alphabets are used it does not work.

What can be the problem, please do let me know.

Thanks in advance

+7  A: 

It is interpreting the - as part of a range. try this:

pattern="^[0-9 +-]+$";

The - either needs escaping (\-) or moving to the end like this (thanks Tim).

David M
This one works too "^[\d\s\-\+]+$"
Fabien Ménager
I edited the answer a bit: The + doesn't need to be escaped, and neither does the - if you put it at the beginning or end of the character class.
Tim Pietzcker
@Tim - Yes, true. Clearer now. I'll edit to explain further.
David M
@Fabien: `\s` contains tabs, too.
Tim Pietzcker
@Tim: yep, \s should be " ", sorry.
Fabien Ménager
+1  A: 

It needs to start with a ^ and the - needs to be escaped with a \

pattern=/^[0-9 \-+]+$/;

It needs to start with a ^ as that is an anchor for the start of the string, if you didn't it would validate strings that started with anything, as long as they ended with a number, space, - or +

- needs to be escaped as it is a special character and has a meaning other than -. While + is a special character, and if you want to treat it as a + outside a class it needs to be escaped, when inside a class only ]^-\ need to be escaped.

So outside of a class escape


And inside escape:


However, most implementations allow you to escape all 12 special characters inside classes without error, and they will only give an error if you escape a non special character, which means that this (Note the extra \ before the plus) will also work fine.

pattern="^[0-9 \-\+]+$"

I always find that using a regex tester makes things easier as it allows me to see mistakes.

One mistake, corrected in 20 seconds and I get a downvote?
+1 for pointing out the proper syntax. I've added delimiters to your pattern example
+1  A: 

Since - (dash) is used as the range symbol inside brackets in regexp you need to either escape it, or place it last:

pattern="[0-9 \-+]+$";
// or
pattern="[0-9 +-]+$";

You might also want to begin the regexp with ^ to make sure the whole string matches it, not just the end:

pattern="^[0-9 +-]+$";
Mikael S

There seems to be another SO question for this :

Fabien Ménager
+4  A: 

Your regex will fail even after making the correction suggested by David. Because it matches any combination of one or more numbers and +, -. For example, it matches 99++++--12

Here is a better version that matches numbers in the format 999-999-9999 with an optional leading country code in the format +9999 (two to four digits long)

+1, the only correct answer in this thread. Most people don't really understand how ranges work. "^[0-9+]+$" will "validate" a string containing 10,000 plus signs and nothing more.
Well, this won't match UK numbers unless you put hyphens in them in odd places. Correct international form for a London number, for example, would be +44 20 xxxx xxxx.
David M
Matching all locales is a difficult task (in India it is `+91 \d{10}`) - that's why I specifically said it matches 3+3+4 numbers. I was just pointing out the faults of `[0-9+-]` pattern.

Thank you so much everyone. It works now. I have used this code.

^[0-9 \+\-]+$

Thanks again :)