



I've been working with the BluePrint.css framework on a project. It works well.

However, like most of the CSS frameworks I've looked at, it appears geared more to a text-heavy newspaper-esque layout. It gets a bit more difficult to use when using it for building web applications that utilize a 'widget' metaphor such as SharePoint or iGoogle or the like. The key issue being that in a web app, it's often standard to create visual containers of information. This introduces a box which needs padding which ends up breaking the grid.

Another way to explain is if your container box spans 8 grid columns, you won't be able to fit 8 grid columns within it, as the container box has padding.

I've found workarounds for this but they all entail adding another layer of CSS that gets a little cumbersome. Before I continue on to the next project, I thought I'd see if anyone else has run into this issue and a) found a grid system that does accomodate this visual requirement or b) found some clever ways to accomodate this in one of the existing CSS frameworks.


The way it is intended that you would handle this is you would use a container/wrapper that has the grid assignment and then add the div with the arbitraty padding/margin inside that.

<style type="text/css">.widgetType {padding: 10px;}</style>
<div class="span-8 column clearfix">
  <div id="myWidget" class="widgetType widgetType-skin-myskin">
    <!-- content -->

In fact in blueprint there is even a base class for doing just this and keepin gwith the grid the class is .box which adds 1.5em padding if i recall. Ofcourse this padding may be to deep for your liking so you can not use that class and use something arbitrary if you like

This works if you don't want to NEST the grid within it. In otherwords, this works fine for a padded box with only one column of text. But if you are creating a padded box that, say, you want to have 3 columns, you can't use the regular grid for that and have to make a secondary 'grid layer' to handle that. In the end, that's what we're doing. It'll increase the size of our CSS, but seems to be the only way.