Building a form, I'm wondering if there is any significant advantage to having the query string show values in a more human readable format.
example index.php?user=ted&location=newyork&...and so on
rather than index.php?user=23423&location=34645&... and so on
On the one hand, having the query string a little more readable allows the user and search engines (?) to better understand where they are, but this also creates a little more work on the server side, as I'll have to track down the associated rows through something other than their unique id.
i.e., first find what the id of 'newyork' is before being able to work on other rows that require the location_id. I always prefer to give the db as little work as possible.
edit: decided to go with readability. I figure I can always use the mysql query cache to speed things up if necessary.