Hi, $('form td .hint p') this jquery selector returns back a list [p,p,p,p,p,p].
I would like to know what's the best way to loop through each of those, check their css values, and do something if the css value = something I want.
I have this function to show and hide a tooltip, but I only want one tooltip to be shown at a time. While doing mouseover and mouseout works, it's buggy because currently I'm using parent(), next(), and child(), to find the right element, and jquery instantaneously inserts a div wrapping around the element I'm showing and hiding. So basically I'm trying to force all other p elements that have display:block to hide every time mouseover occurs.
Currently doing this: target = $('form td .hint p'); target[0].css('display') gives an error.
target.css('display') seems to only return the css of the first one.