




There is a Form with a ToolStrip. This ToolStrip contains a ToolStripButton. I want to assign an image to this button:

this.btnSaveFile.Image = Bitmap.FromFile("C:\\Work\\Icons\\png\\save.png");

It works only if there is save.png on specified path. Otherwise, I get an FileNotFound Exception.

If I created a Form via Form Designer, Visual Studio would create a code like this:

this.toolStripButton9.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image) (resources.GetObject("toolStripButton9.Image")));

toolStripButton9.Image here is not a real name. Visual Studio takse my file save.png and transform it into toolStripButton9.Image.

But I create a form programmatically, without Designer. And my question is how to assign an image to the ToolStripBotton programmatically?

I tried to add the image to the project, but it didn't help much. I have no idea how to make Visual Studio grab it and embed into my executable so that I wouldn't need this file on specified location.

In MSDN, I only see the solution like that:

this.toolStripButton1.Image = Bitmap.FromFile("c:\\NewItem.bmp");

But it doesnt' work as I told above. I understand there is a simple solution but don't see it. Could you please give me a hint?

+3  A: 

In Visual Studio, Open your "Properties" folder in the solution explorer, then open the Resources.resx file and add a existing image file as resource. You can then use it programmatically via the Resource static class:

Image x = Resources.MyResourceImage;

A full example of the code I suggest:

using System.Windows.Forms;
using Testapplication.Properties;

namespace Testapplication {
    public class Class1 {
        public Class1() {
            Form MyForm = new Form();
            ToolStrip MyToolStrip = new ToolStrip();

            ToolStripButton MyButton = new ToolStripButton();

            MyButton.Image = Resources.MyResourceImage;


Don't forget to add a using to YourApps' Properties namespace. Your Resources.resx (.cs) file resides in that namespace and is used to provide strong-types object references like images. In your case, replace "MyResourceImage" with "save" (omit the quotes).

ps. A glance at the most important part of my Resources.designer.cs file:

internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap MyResourceImage {
    get {
        object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("MyResourceImage", resourceCulture);
        return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj));
Webleeuw, thanks for the answer. Sorry but it seems doesn't work. I added save png.file via Properties->Resources. Now I see it in Resource folder under my project. But how can I refer to it? What can I place instead of MyResourceImage"? File resource.Designer.cs was automatically created with this piece of code: object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("save", resourceCulture);But I failed to use constructions like this... Any idea?
if you let intellisense fill in the blanks. what happens if you type "Resources." what suggestions does it give?
Webleeuw, yes, it works! Thank you very much for this example!

So you mean setting image from an embedded resource?

string res = "MyAssembly.Resources.toolStripButton9.Image";
Stream s = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( res );
Icon icon = Icon.FromStream( s );

Use Webleeuws answer if it works, way easier than this :P

Thanks :), It works for me, but I don't know if it's the solution Racoon seeks.
PoweRoy, thanks for the answer. Sorry, I don't understand. I don't have toolStripButton9.Image since I don't use Form Designer. So I don't have an idea how to use this piece of code... Webleeuws seems close to the solution but ... please see my comment to his answer.