Hi, i want to set a new value to my entity objects FK column, but i cant find the property to set. I dont want to get record from db.
I have a db like that
Db Tables:
Concept ConceptType
-Id (PK) -Id(PK)
-Name -Name
-ConceptTypeId(FK) (ALLOW NULL)
Concept conceptToUpdate = new Concept() { Id = 1 };
ConceptType conceptType = new ConceptType() { Id = 5 };
db.AttachTo("Concept", conceptToUpdate);
db.AttachTo("ConceptType", conceptType);
conceptToUpdate.ConceptType = conceptType;
This code is working if ConceptTypeId(FK) column is NULL before. If it is not NULL it gives exception. I trace the sql query, the problem is on sql query because it is checking that old value is NULL :S
SQL QUERY: (from SQL Profiler)
exec sp_executesql N'update [dbo].[Concept]
set [ConceptTypeId] = @0
where (([Id] = @1) and [ConceptTypeId] is null)
',N'@0 int,@1 int',@0=5,@1=1