



I'm now going to do the things right, now I'm going to learn how to develop a compiled language using Bison by books, then I want some books recommendations(better if I can have they for Kindle).

+7  A: 

Not to be contrarian by default, but what you really want is a good book on ANTLR, if you don't already know (and are committed to) Bison (yacc). If you're really stuck using Bison, then you at least want to have a copy of Flex & Bison at the ready.

Nick Bastin
+2  A: 

There's the "Dragon Book", and then there's everything else.

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools

alt text

I would read this book before starting work on any compiler/interpreter.

+1  A: 

There is a neat tutorial called 'Lets Build a compiler' by Jack Crenshaw, it is available to download as an ascii file. Ok, the tutorial is in Pascal, but there is a C version of it. The link is here and keep an eye on the site as well as that is the place for compiler/parser/lexing questions. There is also a channel on IRC @ #Parsers and #scanners if you wish to keep an eye on also.

Hope this helps and best of luck in your adventure into parsing and building a compiler. Best regards, Tom.

P.S: here is the link to the C port of Jack Crenshaw's tutorial here.

+1  A: 

I've never needed any documentation beyond the Bison manual and the Flex manual.
