




I'm building a C# monitor app which uses WMI to grab some performance details of a remote computer. What are some good WMI queries to grab helpful stats such as CPU load, RAM usage, HDD free space, etc.

For example, you can get the CPU load from the property "LoadPercentage" with the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor".

What are some other useful properties & queries?

+1  A: 

I think it's a bit complicated recommend a couple of classes in particular because the WMI is extensive and depends on the type of information you wish to obtain.

My recommendation is that you see the following links.

That's the problem, it is so extensive it is hard to find relevant data. I'm looking for stats such as cpu load / ram usage / hdd free space that just about any computer user will understand. Performance related stats. Or even general info. Computer uptime, network usage, current timezone/clock time on pc. Just anything that is easily interpretable and might be of use in diagnostics or general monitoring.