




Hi there,

On Unix, is there a command to display a file's modification time, precise to the second?

On Linux this is easily done with a "stat -c %y", which returns something like 2009-11-27 11:36:06.000000000 +0100. I found no equivalent on Unix.

+1  A: 

According to the man page on my Mac (which has the BSD standard version of stat) you can get the epoch time version of the modification in seconds with:

stat -f %m /etc/passwd

Or if you want to print that out in hours:mins:secs you can do this:

perl -e "print scalar(localtime(`stat -f %m /etc/passwd`))"
My question is basically: how to do it without stat command!
Most Unix flavors have BSD style commands (of which stat is one) Linux has GNU style commands (which has a stat with different switches). If your Unix flavor doesn't have stat at all you'd better tell us which Unix you're using.
HP UX 11.11. Give my money!

For anyone facing the same issue, I found no solution (on HP-UX 11i anyway). Ended up coding a personalized "ls -lh" for my needs. It's not that hard.. Prints something like :

 - 664 rw-/rw-/r--   1L expertNoob adm   8.37 kB 2010.08.24 12:11:15 findf1.c
 d 775 rwx/rwx/r-x   2L expertNoob adm     96 B  2010.08.24 15:17:37 tmp/
 - 775 rwx/rwx/r-x   1L expertNoob adm     16 kB 2010.08.24 12:35:30 findf1
 - 775 rwx/rwx/r-x   1L expertNoob adm     24 kB 2010.09.14 19:45:20 dir_info
 - 444 r--/r--/r--   1L expertNoob adm   9.01 kB 2010.09.01 11:23:41 getopt.c
 - 664 rw-/rw-/r--   1L expertNoob adm   6.86 kB 2010.09.01 11:24:47 getopt.o
 - 664 rw-/rw-/r--   1L expertNoob adm   6.93 kB 2010.09.14 19:37:44 findf1.o
 l 775 rwx/rwx/r-x   1L expertNoob adm      6 B  2010.10.06 17:09:01 test1 -> test.c
 - 664 rw-/rw-/r--   1L expertNoob adm    534 B  2009.03.26 15:34:23 > test.c
 d 755 rwx/r-x/r-x  25L expertNoob adm      8 kB 2009.05.20 15:36:23 zip30/

Here it is :

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h> // PATH_MAX
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "getopt.h"

static short START_VSNBUFF=16;
// This is bformat from Better String library (bstrlib), customized
int strformat (char ** str, const char * fmt, ...) {

    va_list arglist;
    char * buff;
    int n, r;

    /* Since the length is not determinable beforehand, a search is
       performed using the truncating "vsnprintf" call (to avoid buffer
       overflows) on increasing potential sizes for the output result. */

    if ((n = (int) (2*strlen (fmt))) < START_VSNBUFF) n = START_VSNBUFF;
    if ( NULL == ( buff = (char *) malloc((n + 2)*sizeof(char)) ) ) {
        n = 1;
        if ( NULL == ( buff = (char *) malloc((n + 2)*sizeof(char)) ) ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "strformat: not enough memory to format string\n" );
            return -1;

    for (;;) {
        va_start (arglist, fmt);
        r = vsnprintf (buff, n + 1, fmt, arglist); // n+1 chars: buff[0]..buff[n], n chars from arglist: buff[n]='\0'
        va_end (arglist);

        buff[n] = (unsigned char) '\0'; // doesn't hurt, especially strlen!

        if ( strlen(buff) < n ) break;

        if (r > n) n = r; else n += n;

        if ( NULL == ( buff = (char *) realloc( buff, (n + 2)*sizeof(char) ) ) ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "strformat: not enough memory to format string\n" );
            return -1;

    if( NULL != *str ) free(*str);
    *str = buff;
    return 0;

int printFSObjectInfo( const char * path, const char * name ) {

    struct stat    statbuf;

    struct passwd *pwd;
    struct group  *grp;
    struct tm     *tm;
    char           datestring[256];
    char           *type = "? ";
    char           *fbuf = NULL;

    double         size = 0;
    const char     *units[] = {"B ", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"};
    int            i = 0;

    char owner[] = "---", group[] = "---", others[] = "---";

    /* Get entry's information. */
    if ( -1 == lstat( path, &statbuf ) ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "printFSObjectInfo: error: can't stat %s\n", path );
        if( 0 == strformat( &fbuf, "lstat() said: %s", path ) ) { perror(fbuf); return -1; }

    // File type
    if( S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "-"; // regular file
    if( S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ) {         // directory
        if( S_ISCDF(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "hd";  // hidden dir
    if( S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "b"; // block special
    if( S_ISCHR(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "c"; // character special
    if( S_ISFIFO(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "f"; // pipe or FIFO
    if( S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "l"; // symbolic link
    if( S_ISSOCK(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "s"; // socket
    if( S_ISNWK(statbuf.st_mode) ) type = "n"; // network special
    printf( "%2s ", type );

    /* Print out type, permissions, and number of links. */
    //printf("%10.10s", sperm (statbuf.st_mode));
    if( S_IRUSR & statbuf.st_mode ) owner[0] = 'r';
    if( S_IWUSR & statbuf.st_mode ) owner[1] = 'w';
    if( S_IXUSR & statbuf.st_mode ) owner[2] = 'x';

    if( S_IRGRP & statbuf.st_mode ) group[0] = 'r';
    if( S_IWGRP & statbuf.st_mode ) group[1] = 'w';
    if( S_IXGRP & statbuf.st_mode ) group[2] = 'x';

    if( S_IROTH & statbuf.st_mode ) others[0] = 'r';
    if( S_IWOTH & statbuf.st_mode ) others[1] = 'w';
    if( S_IXOTH & statbuf.st_mode ) others[2] = 'x';

    //printf( "\n%o\n", statbuf.st_mode );
    printf( "%3o %s/%s/%s ", 0777 & statbuf.st_mode, owner, group, others );

    printf("%4dL", statbuf.st_nlink);

    /* Print out owner's name if it is found using getpwuid(). */
    if ((pwd = getpwuid(statbuf.st_uid)) != NULL)
        printf(" %-8.8s", pwd->pw_name);
        printf(" %-8d", statbuf.st_uid);

    /* Print out group name if it is found using getgrgid(). */
    if ((grp = getgrgid(statbuf.st_gid)) != NULL)
        printf(" %-8.8s", grp->gr_name);
        printf(" %-8d", statbuf.st_gid);

    /* Print size of file. */
    //printf(" %9d", (int)statbuf.st_size);
    i = 0;
    size = (double) statbuf.st_size;
    while (size >= 1024) {
        size /= 1024;
    if( 0 == (double)(size - (long) size) )
         printf( "%7d %-2s",  (long)size, units[i] );
    else printf( "%7.2f %-2s", size, units[i] );

    tm = localtime(&statbuf.st_mtime);

    /* Get localized date string. */
    strftime(datestring, sizeof(datestring), "%Y.%m.%d %T", tm); // nl_langinfo(D_T_FMT)

    if ( 0 == strcmp(name, "\n") )
         printf(" %s > %s", datestring, path);
    else {
        if( 0 == strcmp(type, "d") ) printf(" %s %s/", datestring, name);
        else                         printf(" %s %s", datestring, name);

    if( 0 == strcmp(type, "l") ) {
        char buf[1+PATH_MAX];
        if( -1 == readlink( path, buf, (1+PATH_MAX) ) ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "printFSObjectInfo: error: can't read symbolic link %s\n", path);
            if( 0 == strformat( &fbuf, "readlink() said: %s:", path ) ) { perror(fbuf); return -2; }
        else {
            lstat( buf, &statbuf ); // want errno, a symlink may point to non-existing object
            if(errno == ENOENT) printf(" -> %s [!no such file!]\n", buf );
            else {
                printf(" -> %s\n", buf );
                if ( 0 != strcmp(name, "\n") ) printFSObjectInfo( buf, "\n" );
    else printf("\n");

    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    struct dirent *dp;
    struct stat    statbuf;

    char           *path = NULL; //[1+PATH_MAX];
    char           *fbuf = NULL;
    char           *pathArg = NULL;

    if( argc == 1 || 0 == strlen(argv[1]) ) pathArg = ".";
    else pathArg = argv[1];

    if ( lstat( pathArg, &statbuf ) == -1 ) {
        printf("%s: error: can't stat %s\n", argv[0], pathArg);
        if( 0 == strformat( &fbuf, "stat() said: %s", pathArg ) ) perror(fbuf);

if( S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ) {
    DIR *dir = opendir( pathArg );
    if( NULL == dir ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "%s: error: can't open %s\n", argv[0], pathArg );
        if( 0 != strformat( &fbuf, "opendir() said: %s", pathArg ) ) exit(5);

    /* Loop through directory entries. */
    while ( (dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL ) {

        if( 0!= strformat( &path, "%s/%s", pathArg, dp->d_name ) ) continue;

        printFSObjectInfo( path, dp->d_name );
} else  printFSObjectInfo( pathArg, pathArg );

    return 0;

In printFSObjectInfo() you have full functionality of lstat() system call, you can customize this to your wishes.

Be well.
