I've been tasked with the awesome responsibility of trying to document the advantages of using JEE for a web app over .NET. Of course via Google I am mostly getting back blog posts on how an Int is an object in Java, or a list of code comparisons. No real hard evidence or numbers.
Is anybody aware of any legitimate studies trying to prove that one of the platforms is better than the other? For example, I'd guess that there are probably a lot more free APIs out there for Java than there are for .NET. Many people share that opinion with me. But has that ever been documented anywhere, did anybody ever attempt to quantify it? Is there a study on the quality of developer (education, level of experience, even salary) that does a Java app vs. the quality of a developer that is doing .NET? etc.
I'm looking for LINKS to known studies here, not people's opinions. I already have my own opinion.