In LPC2378 ( as the other LPC2xxxx microcontroller family ), I/O ports are in system memory, so you need to declare some variables like this:
#define DALLAS_PIN (*(volatile unsigned long int *)(0xE0028000)) /* Port 0 data register */
#define DALLAS_DDR (*(volatile unsigned long int *)(0xE0028008)) /* Port 0 data direction reg */
#define DALLAS_PIN (1<<15)
Please note that 0xE0028000 is the address for the data register of port0, and 0xE0028008 is the data direction register address for port0. You need to modify this according to the port and bit used in your app.
After that, in your code function, the code or macros for write 1, write 0 and read must be something like this:
#define set_dqout() (DALLAS_DDR&=~DALLAS_PIN) /* Let the pull-up force one, putting I/O pin in input mode */
#define reset_dqout() (DALLAS_DDR|=DALLAS_PIN,DALLAS_PORT&=~DALLAS_PIN) /* force zero putting the I/O in output mode and writing zero on it */
#define read_dqin() (DALLAS_DDR&=~DALLAS_PIN,((DALLAS_PORT & DALLAS_PIN)!= 0)) /* put i/o in input mode and test the state of the i/o pin */
I hope this can help.