I have a method of an object called update
that generates an integer, and if it's different than the value of the region
variable, assigns it to region
. If the integer is the same as region
then the user selects a value from a <select>
dropdown menu.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the value of the <select>
into the function.
Select a region Northeast Southeast North Central South Central Plains Northwest Southwest
//Destination object
var destination= function(spec) {
spec= spec||{};
var that= {};
that.update= function(newDest) {
function roll() {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*11;
newDest= newDest||{};
//newDest is event
//newDest is empty object
newRegion= newDest.region||codes[roll()][0];
if (spec.region=== newRegion) {
//ask user for new region
//how do i use event handlers here?
//set new region
spec.region= newRegion;
//set new city
spec.city= newDest.city||codes[roll()][newRegion];
return that;