I've just found out about stackoverflow.com and just checking if there are ideas for a constraint I'm having with some friends in a project. Although this is more a theoretical question to which I've been trying to find an answer for some time.
I'm not much given into cryptography but if I'm not clear enough I'll try to edit/comment to clarify any question
Trying to be brief, the environment is something like this:
An application where the front-end as access to encrypt/decrypt keys and the back-end is just used for storage and queries.
Having a database to which you can't have access for a couple of fields for example let's say "address" which is text/varchar as usual.
You don't have access to the key for decrypting the information, and all information arrives to the database already encrypted.
The main problem is something like this, how to consistently make queries on the database, it's impossible to do stuff like "where address like '%F§YU/´~#JKSks23%'". (IF there is anyone feeling with an answer for this feel free to shoot it).
But is it ok to do "where address='±!NNsj3~^º-:'"? Or would it also completely eat up the database?
Another restrain that might apply is that the front end doesn't have much processing power available, so already encrypting/decrypting information starts to push it to it's limits. (Saying this just to avoid replies like "Exporting a join of tables to the front end and query it there")
Could someone point me in a direction to keep thinking about it?