Hi dudes, I'm trying to divide my monolithic, Delphi-Win32 app in libraries, so I get some questions around how to share global variables and object among my libraries using Delphi 2009. For example, I have 3 global objects (derived from TObject): for user info, for current session info, and for storing the active database connection and managing operations with this database. My libraries require to work with these objects. Moreover certain libraries would give an object derived from TForm to be hosted for another parent control into the main form. Every object derived from TForm passed to main form has its own methods and properties, that is, their classes are different each other.
I'm thinking to put the global objects into a separate library but I guess that it would make things more difficult, but consider it, please.
How to get to work this situation?
One question more, which is better to use: static or dynamic loading for libraries? Can you recommend some books or sites to learn more about this?
Thanks in advance.