



I am trying to update an element in a list with Lotus Formula.

I thought you would do it like this:

x := "0":"0":"0";
x[1] := "1";

But when I try to save I get the following error:

:= must be immediately preceded by a field or variable name
+3  A: 

From the Lotus Domino Designer 7 Help:

The subscript operator cannot be used on the left side of an assignment statement. That is, you cannot assign a value to a subscripted element. You must build the complete list and then assign it. For example, if Categories is a 3-element list and you want to assign a new value to element 2:

FIELD Categories := Categories[1] : "CatNew" : Categories[3]

You can usually get by using @Implode, @Explode, or @Replace. But if you really need it you can do this:

REM "L[I] := VAL";
L := Categories;
I := 2;
VAL := "CatNew";

Categories := @Subset(L; I - 1) : VAL : @Subset(L; I - @Elements(L));