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How do I programmatically open the "View Source" window (using some Javascript) like when I right click in the browser and click "View Source"? Is this possible?

+2  A: 

One solution, depending on your usage, is to do it as a Firefox add-on or similar.

-1 Javascript Solution asked
Mike Gleason jr Couturier
Actually, "using some Javascript" is true in the Firefox add-on case as well.

You could do the following but it won't be the original HTML source: Loop through the DOM and re-create the source by outputting the properties/values of the nodes you find.

It is not an easy task (a huge one in fact), but it is pretty your only option.


PS. I think this is what FF is doing, because there is always a subtle difference in the sources.

Mike Gleason jr Couturier
Not the one who downvoted you, but you can always grab innerHTML.
-1 for "it is pretty your only option"
I was referring to a solution like @Pim Jager said, and the question was about doing it in JavaScript, so I guess I'll downvote the FF add-on solution
Mike Gleason jr Couturier
@orip: I'll assume it and learn from it :) in 10 years I've never heard of "view-source:" URI schema!
Mike Gleason jr Couturier
neither have I, which makes this question great :)
+15  A: 

You can use the "view-source" URI schema, supported by Firefox, Chrome, and older versions of IE.

No JavaScript required, just a normal link to the page you want the user to see in source view:

<a target="_blank" href="view-source:"&gt;view Wikipedia's home page HTML source</a>

More info:

+4  A: 

You could use this script, we simply grab the innerHTML of the html tag, reappend that, and paste that in a popup.

function showSource(){;
    var source = "<html>";
    source += document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
    source += "</html>";
    //now we need to escape the html special chars, javascript has escape
    //but this does not do what we want
    source = source.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
    //now we add <pre> tags to preserve whitespace
    source = "<pre>"+source+"</pre>";
    //now open the window and set the source as the content
    sourceWindow ='','Source of page','height=800,width=800,scrollbars=1,resizable=1');
    sourceWindow.document.close(); //close the document for writing, not the window
    //give source window focus
    if(window.focus) sourceWindow.focus();

This will not completely show the source as it will not show anything outside the HTML tags, or any properties inside the html tag, but it should be close enough, and works cross-browser.

The advantage of this solution over the view-source: solution is that it will also work in internet-explorer 6> on windows XP SP2, that's pretty much it. If none of your audience is in this group, go with the view-source option, its way simpler.

Pim Jager
Excellent workaround. One more replacement is needed, for ampersands, so escaped entities are rendered in source. IIRC (and this is a vague recollection), some browsers may not give you exactly the same source with innerHTML (losing original white space, altering some capitalization of elements/attributes, etc.), but it's close enough for most purposes.