Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me refactor some code that I wrote a while ago. I wrote a wrapper for a COM object that only excepted strings as input, so in good OOP practice I wrapped the string up in a function so that it was easier to build and call.
I was just wondering if anyone could think of a better way to do the following code.
Public Function OpenTable(ByVal TablePath As String, Optional ByVal OpenAs As String = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal Hide As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AsReadOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Interactive As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Password As String = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal NoIndex As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ViewAutomatic As Boolean = True) As TableInfo
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TablePath) Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("TablePath", "TablePath cannot be null or empty")
End If
Dim Builder = New StringBuilder("Open Table ")
Builder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{2}", ControlChars.Quote, TablePath, ControlChars.Quote)
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenAs)) Then Builder.AppendFormat(" as {0} ", OpenAs)
If (Hide) Then Builder.Append(" Hide ")
If (AsReadOnly) Then Builder.Append(" ReadOnly ")
If (Interactive) Then Builder.Append(" Interactive ")
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) Then Builder.AppendFormat(" Password {0} ", Password)
If (NoIndex) Then Builder.Append(" NoIndex ")
If (ViewAutomatic) Then Builder.Append(" View Automatic ")
Dim FileInfo = New IO.FileInfo(TablePath)
Return New TableInfo(FileInfo.Name.Substring(0, InStrRev(FileInfo.Name, ".") - 1))
End Function
The amount of arguments that the function has to take is my biggest worry. This one is not too bad but there are some other functions that I may have to make in the future that will take a lot more arguments, so I'm mainly looking for better ways to build large argument functions.