




We have an application where people can type in multiple langugaes. Though we only have one database to store all the data. We have text columns as nvarchar ( assuming we only want text data to be in multiple languages and not all dates etc.)

Do you think this is a feasbile solution and are there any other points to consider besides sorting and searching ?


+1  A: 

I think it depends on the type of data. For names + addresses it's probably ok... a name is a name no matter what language it's in.

For descriptive text (eg a notes field) it might be confusing... at the very least you might want to record the language that the text is in so that you can filter against it later?

+1  A: 

If you're using Nvarchar fields they can basically store every localized language while data fields stores date in a format that is not dependant on localization.

Only problem with SQL server is in the sorting features and the "LIKE" feature, because they will depend on the code page used when you install the server or creates the database. This is a quite complex matter, I suggest reading the SQL Server manuals.

+1  A: 

First, using NVARCHAR is the best possible way to handle any non-English language as it supports all of the diacriticals and umlauts and such that you need.

But sorting could be an issue. Take a look at how the database is set up and determine which sort order is best. If nothing else seems appropriate, you can use SQL_MixDiction_CP1253_CS_AS, which specifically allows mixed dictionaries. But there are problems when you change a database's collation:

Note: You cannot change the collation of a column that is currently referenced by any one of the following:

  • A computed column An index
  • Distribution statistics, either generated automatically or by the CREATE STATISTICS statement
  • A CHECK constraint
  • A FOREIGN KEY constraint

The way to get around that is to actually drop and recreate the database under the proper collation, since all objects will be built with the default collation of the database unless otherwise specified.


--some thoughts

 USE [db]

 /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[CultureInfo]    Script Date: 06/23/2009 21:07:38 ******/



 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CultureInfo](
  [CultureInfoId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  [CultureName] [varchar](10)  NOT NULL,
  [DisplayName] [varchar](50)  NULL,
  [ISO_639x_Value] [nchar](6)  NULL,
  [CultureCode] [nvarchar](10)  NULL,
  [CollationName] [varchar](50)  NULL,
  [CultureInfoId] ASC



insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('af-ZA' , 'Afrikaans - South Africa' , '0x0436' , 'AFK' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sq-AL' , 'Albanian - Albania' , '0x041C' , 'SQI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-DZ' , 'Arabic - Algeria' , '0x1401' , 'ARG' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-BH' , 'Arabic - Bahrain' , '0x3C01' , 'ARH' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-EG' , 'Arabic - Egypt' , '0x0C01' , 'ARE' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-IQ' , 'Arabic - Iraq' , '0x0801' , 'ARI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-JO' , 'Arabic - Jordan' , '0x2C01' , 'ARJ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-KW' , 'Arabic - Kuwait' , '0x3401' , 'ARK' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-LB' , 'Arabic - Lebanon' , '0x3001' , 'ARB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-LY' , 'Arabic - Libya' , '0x1001' , 'ARL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-MA' , 'Arabic - Morocco' , '0x1801' , 'ARM' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-OM' , 'Arabic - Oman' , '0x2001' , 'ARO' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-QA' , 'Arabic - Qatar' , '0x4001' , 'ARQ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-SA' , 'Arabic - Saudi Arabia' , '0x0401' , 'ARA' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-SY' , 'Arabic - Syria' , '0x2801' , 'ARS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-TN' , 'Arabic - Tunisia' , '0x1C01' , 'ART' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-AE' , 'Arabic - United Arab Emirates' , '0x3801' , 'ARU' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ar-YE' , 'Arabic - Yemen' , '0x2401' , 'ARY' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('hy-AM' , 'Armenian - Armenia' , '0x042B' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Cy-az-AZ' , 'Azeri (Cyrillic) - Azerbaijan' , '0x082C' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Lt-az-AZ' , 'Azeri (Latin) - Azerbaijan' , '0x042C' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('eu-ES' , 'Basque - Basque' , '0x042D' , 'EUQ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('be-BY' , 'Belarusian - Belarus' , '0x0423' , 'BEL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('bg-BG' , 'Bulgarian - Bulgaria' , '0x0402' , 'BGR' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ca-ES' , 'Catalan - Catalan' , '0x0403' , 'CAT' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-CN' , 'Chinese - China' , '0x0804' , 'CHS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-HK' , 'Chinese - Hong Kong SAR' , '0x0C04' , 'ZHH' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-MO' , 'Chinese - Macau SAR' , '0x1404' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-SG' , 'Chinese - Singapore' , '0x1004' , 'ZHI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-TW' , 'Chinese - Taiwan' , '0x0404' , 'CHT' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-CHS' , 'Chinese (Simplified)' , '0x0004' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('zh-CHT' , 'Chinese (Traditional)' , '0x7C04' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('hr-HR' , 'Croatian - Croatia' , '0x041A' , 'HRV' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('cs-CZ' , 'Czech - Czech Republic' , '0x0405' , 'CSY' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('da-DK' , 'Danish - Denmark' , '0x0406' , 'DAN' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('div-MV' , 'Dhivehi - Maldives' , '0x0465' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('nl-BE' , 'Dutch - Belgium' , '0x0813' , 'NLB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('nl-NL' , 'Dutch - The Netherlands' , '0x0413' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-AU' , 'English - Australia' , '0x0C09' , 'ENA' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-BZ' , 'English - Belize' , '0x2809' , 'ENL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-CA' , 'English - Canada' , '0x1009' , 'ENC' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-CB' , 'English - Caribbean' , '0x2409' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-IE' , 'English - Ireland' , '0x1809' , 'ENI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-JM' , 'English - Jamaica' , '0x2009' , 'ENJ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-NZ' , 'English - New Zealand' , '0x1409' , 'ENZ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-PH' , 'English - Philippines' , '0x3409' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-ZA' , 'English - South Africa' , '0x1C09' , 'ENS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-TT' , 'English - Trinidad and Tobago' , '0x2C09' , 'ENT' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-GB' , 'English - United Kingdom' , '0x0809' , 'ENG' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-US' , 'English - United States' , '0x0409' , 'ENU' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('en-ZW' , 'English - Zimbabwe' , '0x3009' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('et-EE' , 'Estonian - Estonia' , '0x0425' , 'ETI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fo-FO' , 'Faroese - Faroe Islands' , '0x0438' , 'FOS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fa-IR' , 'Farsi - Iran' , '0x0429' , 'FAR' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fi-FI' , 'Finnish - Finland' , '0x040B' , 'FIN' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-BE' , 'French - Belgium' , '0x080C' , 'FRB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-CA' , 'French - Canada' , '0x0C0C' , 'FRC' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-FR' , 'French - France' , '0x040C' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-LU' , 'French - Luxembourg' , '0x140C' , 'FRL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-MC' , 'French - Monaco' , '0x180C' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('fr-CH' , 'French - Switzerland' , '0x100C' , 'FRS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('gl-ES' , 'Galician - Galician' , '0x0456' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ka-GE' , 'Georgian - Georgia' , '0x0437' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('de-AT' , 'German - Austria' , '0x0C07' , 'DEA' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('de-DE' , 'German - Germany' , '0x0407' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('de-LI' , 'German - Liechtenstein' , '0x1407' , 'DEC' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('de-LU' , 'German - Luxembourg' , '0x1007' , 'DEL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('de-CH' , 'German - Switzerland' , '0x0807' , 'DES' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('el-GR' , 'Greek - Greece' , '0x0408' , 'ELL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('gu-IN' , 'Gujarati - India' , '0x0447' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('he-IL' , 'Hebrew - Israel' , '0x040D' , 'HEB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('hi-IN' , 'Hindi - India' , '0x0439' , 'HIN' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('hu-HU' , 'Hungarian - Hungary' , '0x040E' , 'HUN' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('is-IS' , 'Icelandic - Iceland' , '0x040F' , 'ISL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('id-ID' , 'Indonesian - Indonesia' , '0x0421' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('it-IT' , 'Italian - Italy' , '0x0410' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('it-CH' , 'Italian - Switzerland' , '0x0810' , 'ITS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ja-JP' , 'Japanese - Japan' , '0x0411' , 'JPN' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('kn-IN' , 'Kannada - India' , '0x044B' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('kk-KZ' , 'Kazakh - Kazakhstan' , '0x043F' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('kok-IN' , 'Konkani - India' , '0x0457' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ko-KR' , 'Korean - Korea' , '0x0412' , 'KOR' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ky-KZ' , 'Kyrgyz - Kazakhstan' , '0x0440' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('lv-LV' , 'Latvian - Latvia' , '0x0426' , 'LVI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('lt-LT' , 'Lithuanian - Lithuania' , '0x0427' , 'LTH' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('mk-MK' , 'Macedonian (FYROM)' , '0x042F' , 'MKD' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ms-BN' , 'Malay - Brunei' , '0x083E' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ms-MY' , 'Malay - Malaysia' , '0x043E' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('mr-IN' , 'Marathi - India' , '0x044E' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('mn-MN' , 'Mongolian - Mongolia' , '0x0450' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('nb-NO' , 'Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway' , '0x0414' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('nn-NO' , 'Norwegian (Nynorsk) - Norway' , '0x0814' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('pl-PL' , 'Polish - Poland' , '0x0415' , 'PLK' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('pt-BR' , 'Portuguese - Brazil' , '0x0416' , 'PTB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('pt-PT' , 'Portuguese - Portugal' , '0x0816' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('pa-IN' , 'Punjabi - India' , '0x0446' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ro-RO' , 'Romanian - Romania' , '0x0418' , 'ROM' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ru-RU' , 'Russian - Russia' , '0x0419' , 'RUS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sa-IN' , 'Sanskrit - India' , '0x044F' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Cy-sr-SP' , 'Serbian (Cyrillic) - Serbia' , '0x0C1A' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Lt-sr-SP' , 'Serbian (Latin) - Serbia' , '0x081A' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sk-SK' , 'Slovak - Slovakia' , '0x041B' , 'SKY' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sl-SI' , 'Slovenian - Slovenia' , '0x0424' , 'SLV' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-AR' , 'Spanish - Argentina' , '0x2C0A' , 'ESS' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-BO' , 'Spanish - Bolivia' , '0x400A' , 'ESB' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-CL' , 'Spanish - Chile' , '0x340A' , 'ESL' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-CO' , 'Spanish - Colombia' , '0x240A' , 'ESO' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-CR' , 'Spanish - Costa Rica' , '0x140A' , 'ESC' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-DO' , 'Spanish - Dominican Republic' , '0x1C0A' , 'ESD' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-EC' , 'Spanish - Ecuador' , '0x300A' , 'ESF' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-SV' , 'Spanish - El Salvador' , '0x440A' , 'ESE' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-GT' , 'Spanish - Guatemala' , '0x100A' , 'ESG' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-HN' , 'Spanish - Honduras' , '0x480A' , 'ESH' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-MX' , 'Spanish - Mexico' , '0x080A' , 'ESM' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-NI' , 'Spanish - Nicaragua' , '0x4C0A' , 'ESI' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-PA' , 'Spanish - Panama' , '0x180A' , 'ESA' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-PY' , 'Spanish - Paraguay' , '0x3C0A' , 'ESZ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-PE' , 'Spanish - Peru' , '0x280A' , 'ESR' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-PR' , 'Spanish - Puerto Rico' , '0x500A' , 'ES' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-ES' , 'Spanish - Spain' , '0x0C0A' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-UY' , 'Spanish - Uruguay' , '0x380A' , 'ESY' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('es-VE' , 'Spanish - Venezuela' , '0x200A' , 'ESV' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sw-KE' , 'Swahili - Kenya' , '0x0441' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sv-FI' , 'Swedish - Finland' , '0x081D' , 'SVF' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('sv-SE' , 'Swedish - Sweden' , '0x041D' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('syr-SY' , 'Syriac - Syria' , '0x045A' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ta-IN' , 'Tamil - India' , '0x0449' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('tt-RU' , 'Tatar - Russia' , '0x0444' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('te-IN' , 'Telugu - India' , '0x044A' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('th-TH' , 'Thai - Thailand' , '0x041E' , 'THA' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('tr-TR' , 'Turkish - Turkey' , '0x041F' , 'TRK' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('uk-UA' , 'Ukrainian - Ukraine' , '0x0422' , 'UKR' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('ur-PK' , 'Urdu - Pakistan' , '0x0420' , 'URD' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Cy-uz-UZ' , 'Uzbek (Cyrillic) - Uzbekistan' , '0x0843' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('Lt-uz-UZ' , 'Uzbek (Latin) - Uzbekistan' , '0x0443' , ' ' )
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode ) values ('vi-VN' , 'Vietnamese - Vietnam' , '0x042A' , 'VIT' )