



Hi, given the following test:

I have a series of pages with 96x96 thumbnails in the same spot and I want people to be able to continuously click the thumbs.

I'm seeing weirdness in Firefox 3.5.5... if you don't move your mouse AT ALL after clicking the red box once, (after the page reloads) when you click it seems that the mouseover and focus events on the hover_cover image are globbed together and in turn no onclick event (or href click action from the anchor tag) are being fired. If you DO move your mouse before clicking, the mouseover event fires, and the onclick works fine.

So, to sum up:

1) Save the HTML locally, create a 96x96 "hover_cover.jpg" image and save it in the same directory as the test file.
2) Load the page in Firefox 3.5.5 and mouse over the red box
3) Click but DON'T move your mouse at all.
4) See the "clicked... " message flicker and the page will then reload.
5) Still having not moved the mouse, click again.
6) The hover_cover image will be displayed and gain focus, but no click events are fired.

Pretty weird. I tried using a document.location redirect inside an onfocus event on #cover_hover but that is causing double HTTP GET requests and seems very hackish, plus it's not a very good user experience - if the user tries tabbing around the document will refresh.

Edit: Note, after the page reloads, the 2nd click works fine. It's just the FIRST click after the page reloads where the click events don't fire.

Edit 2: Looks like this is happening in Firefox 3.5.5 on Windows as well.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Validate for that list of html errors.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, the snippet should now validate if you reload it. (The issue is still occurring, however.)