



If I do a:

(regexp-split (regexp " ") "look tom")

I get

("look" "tom")

Which is fine, but I can't eval that. If I try to (eval-string) it [which is inside mzlib/string], it errors out, saying that 'tom' isn't defined. I guess it's trying to run:

(look tom)

Which isn't correct either. Any tips here?

+1  A: 

It is unclear what functionality you are looking for.

Are you trying to run:


If look and tom are defined as functions you can use something like:

(define (look) 1)
(define (tom) 1)

(map (lambda (s) (apply (eval (string->symbol s)) '())) '("look" "tom"))

Or if look and tom are variables and you want to replace them with their values:

(define look 1)
(define tom 1)

(map (lambda (s) (eval (string->symbol s))) '("look" "tom"))

If you are trying to evaluate (look tom) then:

(define (look arg) arg)
(define tom 'arg)

(eval (map string->symbol '("look" "tom")))

Also you probably would have gotten a response to your question before now if you had also tagged the post scheme.
