



I'm getting a

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa3' in position 34: ordinal not in range(128)

on a string stored in 'a.desc' below as it contains the '£' character. It's stored in the underlying Google App Engine datastore as a unicode string so that's fine. The cStringIO.StringIO.writelines function is trying seemingly trying to encode it in ascii format:


How do I instruct it to treat the encoding as unicode if that's the correct phrasing?

app engine runs on python 2.5

+2  A: 

StringIO documentation:

Unlike the memory files implemented by the StringIO module, those provided by [cStringIO] are not able to accept Unicode strings that cannot be encoded as plain ASCII strings.

If possible, use StringIO instead of cStringIO.

I switched (cStringIO is meant to be better performance-wise) and it didn't throw an error but did print '£' instead of just '£'.Why is 'Â' showing up now?
'£' is the Windows-1252 decoding of 0xc2 0xa3 which is the UTF-8 encoding of u'£'. Maybe your terminal, app, or wherever you're seeing that is configured for Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8.
hmm. Essentially I'm looking at a web server response through Chrome browser. Would that be the issue?
In Chrome you can set the encoding under which the page will be interpreted-- Page menu -> Encoding. Select "Unicode (UTF-8)" and see if that fixes it...
default is ISO-8859-1 (western). That should be ok should it not?
Nope. ISO-8859-1 will behave the same as Windows-1252 in that regard. You probably want to explicitly set the UTF-8 encoding in your page headers so that browsers don't have to guess the encoding. (Unless, of course, something else in your app is already generating output in a non-UTF-8 encoding.)
Ah of course. Will do cheers
+3  A: 

You can wrap the StringIO object in a codecs.StreamReaderWriter object to automatically encode and decode unicode.

Like this:

import cStringIO, codecs
buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
codecinfo = codecs.lookup("utf8")
wrapper = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(buffer, ci.streamreader, ci.streamwriter)

wrapper.writelines([u"list of", u"unicode strings"])

buffer will be filled with utf-8 encoded bytes.

If I understand your case correctly, you will only need to write, so you could also do:

import cStringIO, codecs
buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
wrapper = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(buffer)