



Hi there, I have a question about the accordion plugin for jQuery. Basically, I've got it to work on my site nicely, there's just one thing that I'd have liked it to do and that is bottom-up opening in stead of top-down.

What I mean by that is that my 3 buttons just stand in the vertical menu (div) in the bottom. And when you click it, they'll slide open but upwards, not downwards. Is there a way to achieve this easily? I've gone through the documentation, but can't find any native support for it, so I was wondering if it was possible to do it in the javascript of the plugin itself.

Thanks in advance.


There is an animated option that controls which animation is used for the widget. I don't know if it supports 'slideUp' or not. You might want to experiment with the other effects in the UI effects library and/or the default animation effects. A little investigation may also enable you to create your own effect that does exactly what you want if one of the pre-defined ones doesn't work. Note that you'll probably also want to change the icons, at least for the selected header.

Apparently these don't provide a definite answer, I reckon I will have to dive into the JS code to make a "custom" animation...Icon's and coloring and stuff isn't really a problem seeing I'm doing the styling all custom already.
Tim Geerts

Have a look at:

Here it shows witch part of the accordion-menu starts as active part...

Koen - Out of Bounds Webdesign