How do I reset an ASP.NET dropdown, on the click of a link, using Javascript? No JS Frameworks.
Edit: reset, as in set the selected value to the first one in the list, as it would be when the page first loads.
How do I reset an ASP.NET dropdown, on the click of a link, using Javascript? No JS Frameworks.
Edit: reset, as in set the selected value to the first one in the list, as it would be when the page first loads.
You would probably want to get the control by ID then set the selectedIndex to 0.
for example:
var q = document.getElementById('dropdownId');
q.selectedIndex = 0;
Hope this helps
Try this link
Do you want to remove all items of the dropdown or Select the first option(Default selected option)?
Try this :
document.getElementById("<%#mydropdownlist.ClientID%>").value = 0;
document.getElementById("<%#mydropdownlist.ClientID%>").selectedIndex = 0;