I am trying the basic XML parsing code from the adobe documentation..
I tried it with several RSS feeds I plan to use, many of large websites..
one worked, the others returned status -10, status: -10 (An end-tag was encountered without a matching start-tag.)
the thing is, these are big sites, there is no way all of their feeds are malformed...
plus, I checked briefly the XML structure, and checked it with an XML syntax checker (Notepad++) and it came out correct..
so why is flash treating these as malformed ? how can I solve it ?
http:// rotter.net/rss/rotternews.xml
this doesn't work, and other don't as well from other sites, some other links do work.
I made some progress, I found that loading this rss url,
via a browser gets me the right content, but when I try it in Orbit download manager, I only get six bytes! which are
maybe this is what flash sees as well ?
what could be the reason for me getting only partial content ?
please help...
var my_xml:XML = new XML(); my_xml.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) { if (success) { if (my_xml.status == 0) { trace("XML was loaded and parsed successfully"); } else { trace("XML was loaded successfully, but was unable to be parsed."); } var errorMessage:String; switch (my_xml.status) { case 0 : errorMessage = "No error; parse was completed successfully."; break; case -2 : errorMessage = "A CDATA section was not properly terminated."; break; case -3 : errorMessage = "The XML declaration was not properly terminated."; break; case -4 : errorMessage = "The DOCTYPE declaration was not properly terminated."; break; case -5 : errorMessage = "A comment was not properly terminated."; break; case -6 : errorMessage = "An XML element was malformed."; break; case -7 : errorMessage = "Out of memory."; break; case -8 : errorMessage = "An attribute value was not properly terminated."; break; case -9 : errorMessage = "A start-tag was not matched with an end-tag."; break; case -10 : errorMessage = "An end-tag was encountered without a matching start-tag."; break; default : errorMessage = "An unknown error has occurred."; break; } trace("status: "+my_xml.status+" ("+errorMessage+")"); } else { trace("Unable to load/parse XML. (status: "+my_xml.status+")"); } }; my_xml.ignoreWhite = true; my_xml.load("http://rss.walla.co.il/?w=/6/4002/0/@rss");