



I have an IPAddress column on my Activity table. This is stored as a varbinary(16) so that it can be efficient (moreso than storing as a string) and also support IPv6. When I store, I basically get the value of (new System.Net.IPAddress("")).GetAddressBytes().

What I want to be able to do is search for all IP addresses that begin with certain bytes, e.g. "127.*". I can easily get the bytes for that, so just assume that I am able to get new byte[] { 127 }.

Given that, how can I actually write a LINQ to SQL query to get me the data I want?

Sadly, I don't have StartsWith, though I essentially want the equivalent of Activity.Where(a => a.IPAddress.StartsWith(new byte[] { 127 })).

+1  A: 

If the data is returned as a byte array, why not reference the first byte of the array? Sounds like;

Activity.Where(a => a.IpAddress[0] == 127);

might be what your looking for?

You could store the IP address as a hex string, where = "7F000001" then if you want to find an IP address starting with 192.168.* you can use

Activity.Where(a => a.IpAddress.StartsWith("C0A8"));
Dead account
+1  A: 

A while ago, I had to find the location of a given IP. We got the IP from the request. There are free databases which gave us this mapping. In IPv4, when we say the IP as "a.b.c.d" it is essentially a * (256^3) + b * (256^2) + c * (256) + d.

so when you say you want an IP address starting with "a", you are looking for IPs between a * 256^ 3 and a * 256^3 + 256 * (256^2) (b = 256) + 256 *(256) (c=256) + 256( d=256) (lower / upper limit may vary a little bit depending on whether you want to include/exclude the limits).

That said, there are specific IPs reserved for specific purposes(like which is localhost, cannot be an IP etc).

So your linq query would be

"from i in iList where i >= MIN && i <= MAX select i;"

where iList is your initial list MIN is your min value for your range MAX is your max value for your range

Good answer. So you're saying search for greater than/equal (127 * 0x100000) and less than (127 * 0x100000)-1.
Dead account
yes, if you want to exclude the upper limit