




I am using an array to poulate a flash 8 datagrid, simple enough. I am also pre sorting the array by one of the fields, also simple enough.

I would like the sort arrow to be present when the grid is first populated, but it isn't!!

The user must click a header cell for the arrow to become visible. Is there any way to override this behaviour.




It's been a while since I've touched as2. Apparently I couldn't get things to work without hacks.

Normally you should've be able to get away with dg.dispatchEvent({type:"headerRelease"}), but no, that didn't seem to work. I've used the Debug > List Objects option to get the name of a column header, then called the onRelease() function on it. Apparently that worked only in an onEnterFrame, which I later deleted.

Here's my code, built with help from the documentation:

//hacky boolean to check if what we asked for was done
var selfClicked:Boolean = false;

myDP = new Array({name:"Chris", price:"Priceless"},{name:"Daisy", price:"Adequate"}, {name:"Nigel", price:"Cheap"});
dg.dataProvider = myDP;

onEnterFrame = function(){
     //ask nicely
     //no ? oh well...
     //fix for header label
     dg.content_mc.header_mc.fHeaderCell0._y = dg.content_mc.header_mc.fHeaderCell1._y;
     selfClicked = true;
     delete onEnterFrame;

this.headerRelease = function(eventObject){
    //nicely hidden debugging gem here, thanks Jen deHaan!
dg.addEventListener("headerRelease", this);

HTH, George

George Profenza
Hi George.Thank you so much, that is awesome and does indeed force a placement of the arrow on the grid.Couple of questions if I may.What is the dispatch event line doing as it seems to work still when that is removed.When I click on column 1 after the code has run, the header text moves differently to how it moves for the other columns ( abit ifficult to explain!).Many thanks anyway.
Hi Dave. Usually you should be able to dispatch an event from the component and that should've fixed it. You can wipe that off, I that wanted to show the attempt to do it in a less hacky manner. I see what you mean, the header text move diagonally, not horizontally. I think that might be because the sort arrow clip isn't created until the header is pressed and since we're hacking it, the text is shifted a bit up (not sure why exactly), but you can fix that if you add the following line after th hO0.onRelease():dg.content_mc.header_mc.fHeaderCell0._y = dg.content_mc.header_mc.fHeaderCell1._y;
George Profenza
Thanks George. I have found this works as welldg.content_mc.header_mc.hO0.onPress(); dg.content_mc.header_mc.hO0.onRelease();It seems to do the full press and release and this fixes it. Nice! Thanks again
Cool, am I to understand this is an acceptable answer ? ;)
George Profenza
Yes, this has solved my problem nicely (as log as nothing unforeseen is happening under the hood!!) Many thanks
@eventdave You should accept some answers to encourage more people to contribute to your other questions.
George Profenza