Hello, i'm creating asmx web service and have to create thread to do background IO to refresh system data. What is the right way? I'm not interested to get any results to creating thread. I just want the ASP.NET worker thread to create a thread that does it's loading and in the end makes one assign (I think assign _alldata = newData is atomic where both instances of my own big structure class SystemData) so the worker thread that created the the new thread can propagate instantly.
I read an article http://msdn.microsoft.com/fi-fi/magazine/cc164128%28en-us%29.aspx#S2 which suggest to use non-threadpool thread. The article however was about different / more complex scenario and didn't help me so much.
Thanks: Matti
PS. I have asked this question also in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1820770/what-is-the-right-way-to-spawn-thread-for-database-io-in-asmx-web-service but that was too complex with multiple questions.