I'm attempting to consume a dll written in C++ from a C# application. I have 3rd party source code for the C++ dll (the Cyclone physics engine) and do not want to manually port it over to C#.
In the C++ project
I changed it to output a dll. I changed it to use the /clr flag. I changed it to use Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) because that was the only one compatible with /clr and also compiled.
In the C# project
I added a reference to the dll. I'm using the cyclone namespace.
At first there was absolutely nothing under the namespace. I think this is because in the C++ code, all classes were declared with no access modifiers and the default is private. So for the class "Particle" I changed the definition to:
public class Particle
Now I can successfully declare a variable of type Particle from the C# code. However, intellesense and the object browser report Particle to be a struct (?) and it doesn't contain any methods at all. The c++ code declares a bunch of methods after "public:" access modifiers so I don't know what the problem is.
For example,
void integrate(real duration);
What am I doing wrong?