I know ghci supports readline , and keybindings such as ^W and ^U work as expected. But I do wonder whether ghci support the customization of keybindings , just like the way bash deal with inputrc ?
Thanks for any feedback.
I know ghci supports readline , and keybindings such as ^W and ^U work as expected. But I do wonder whether ghci support the customization of keybindings , just like the way bash deal with inputrc ?
Thanks for any feedback.
What is your GHC version? GHCi stopped using readline and started using libedit around 6.10 and haskeline around 6.12.
libedit can be configured in ~/.editrc
; similarly, Haskeline has ~/.haskeline
. For example, I have
# ~/.editrc (for libedit) edit on bind ^R em-inc-search-prev bind ^S em-inc-search-next bind ^[[5~ ed-search-prev-history bind ^[[6~ ed-search-next-history
to match my
# ~/.inputrc (for readline) "\e[5~": history-search-backward "\e[6~": history-search-forward