I'm building a reporting app, and so I'm crunching an awful lot of data. Part of my approach to creating the app in an agile way is to use SQL views to take the strain off the DB if multiple users are all bashing away.
One example is:
mysql_query("CREATE VIEW view_silverpop_clicks_baby_$email AS SELECT view_email_baby_position.EmailAddress, view_email_baby_position.days, silverpop_campaign_emails.id, silverpop_actions.`Click Name` , silverpop_actions.`Mailing Id`
FROM silverpop_actions
INNER JOIN view_email_baby_position ON (silverpop_actions.Email = view_email_baby_position.EmailAddress ) , silverpop_campaign_emails
WHERE silverpop_campaign_emails.id = $email
AND view_email_baby_position.days
BETWEEN silverpop_campaign_emails.low
AND silverpop_campaign_emails.high
AND silverpop_actions.`Event Type` = 'Click Through'") or die(mysql_error());
And then later in the script this view is used to calculate the number of clicks a particular flavour of this email has had.
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM `view_silverpop_clicks_baby_$email` WHERE `Click Name` LIKE '$countme%'";
My question is in 2 parts really:
- Are views always good? Can you have too many?
- Could I create yet another set of views to cache the count variable in the second snippet of code. If so how could I approach this? I can't quite make this out yet.